Tel: +1 226 580 9554

Address: 2854Heardcreek Trail. London, Ontario

Hours of work: 9 - 16

Short Course

Applied and short-term training

Study at Japanese and Korean colleges

College courses in Japan and South Korea focus on courses that focus more on preparing the applicant to enter the job market, so colleges focus less on courses in theory and pay more attention to the practical and operational aspects. College courses in these two countries are recommended for applicants who want to enter the job market quickly and are looking for middle-income and high-paying jobs. We recommend attending colleges that have an internship as part of the main course, as this will give the applicant the opportunity to expand their business connections during the internship and increase their chances of being hired.

College Courses

Language courses

Language Courses

The duration of Japanese and Korean language courses is between 1 month and 18 months. Course time depends on the student’s learning level and language level required. These courses are taught at various universities and colleges in Japan and Korea. To guide the conditions of the colleges, complete the counseling form so that our counselors can guide you.


College training courses

The close connection of the colleges with the Japanese and Korean industries and organizations has made some of these colleges internationally renowned. Studying at many of these colleges is also possible for people from other countries. To guide the conditions of the colleges, complete the counseling form so that our counselors can guide you.

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H A N A 
Hana is a brand owned by the Play’s Semester Inc institute in canada. The main mission of the Play’s institute is to send students & the workforce around the world.
C a n a d a
Address: 2854 Heardcreek Trail. London, Ontario

Tel: +1  226  580  9554
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